Super Mornings Start with Nutrific

Nutrific Whole Wheat Biscuits are the smart choice to kick off your family’s day. Made from 100% wholegrain wheat, Nutrific is packed with fibre to keep you full for longer whilst contributing to a heathy digestive system. It is high in vitamins B1, 2 & 3 and is an excellent source of iron, while being low in fat and containing substantially less sugar than many other breakfast cereals.

Nutrific offers all this goodness in a perfect portion size of 2 biscuits, making it extremely convenient, even for children to help themselves. It’s extremely versatile as it can be served simply with milk, or with yoghurt, fruits or a variety of other surprising ingredients – check out for inspiration.


Nutrific is also available in various convenient pack sizes to suit the needs of different households, 225g (12 biscuits), 450g (24 biscuits), our family favourite 900g (48 biscuits), our bulk 1350g pack with 72 biscuits. Every 12 biscuits are uniquely sealed for freshness.
Nutrific Wholewheat Biscuits are a staple, much-loved South African breakfast, packed with fibre and providing fuel for a great start to the day.
The brand has always popped on shelf due to its bright yellow packaging, but we felt it was time to refresh the look while maintaining that unique on-shelf standout that you recognise and love.


We also identified with the notion that great days get off to a great start with Nutrific, and the “Super Mornings start with Nutrific” idea was born. Along with the familiar vibrant yellow, we have introduced teal, red and blue onto the packaging and highlighted the many health benefits with simple icons. Our 900g family favourite pack will feature 4 different designs throughout the coming year.


Keep your eye on Social Media for exciting competitions and to see some familiar and much-loved faces introducing our new look.
And while we promise you Super Mornings, we also guarantee that Nutrific is a great any-time-of-day snack to give a boost of long-lasting energy and a sense of satiety to help put a stop to less healthy snacking.
