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Berries + Nutrific Frozen Yoghurt

With Spring just a few weeks away we thought you might enjoy a new way to experience your morning bowl of Nutrific!


4 cups of frozen berries 2/3 cup of plain yoghurt
2 teaspoons of Vanilla Essence
3 tablespoons of Honey
2 Nutrific Biscuits


  1. Crumble your Nutrific Biscuits into a fine powder.
  2. In a food processor add your frozen berries and yoghurt and blitz until smooth. Make sure to use a food processor that can handle the frozen fruit.
  3. Add your honey and vanilla essence to the mixture and stir.
  4. Finally add your Nutrific powder and stir until well combined.
  5. Place the mixture in a airtight container and put it in the freezer overnight.
  6. Enjoy!