A recipe for a healthy day

Finding balance in these uncertain times can be tough. Here is our recipe for a healthy day.

1) Wake up and get going

It might feel easy to push the snooze button, but getting up and getting going will help you keep a healthy routine going and will also help your family to do the same. Get up and do anything active to get your body ready for the day ahead. Jumping stars or a few push-ups are sure to get the blood pumping.

2) Breakfast

The most important meal of the day, and obviously our favourite. Have a healthy breakfast with the ones you love. Nutrific is a great option as it is super simple to prepare and packed with healthy nutrients and loads of fibre.

3) Get to work

Procrastination is real people. Getting down to work might be a challenge, but just get going and you will be able to take a few mini breaks during the day.

**4) Mini Breaks **

If you are not taking breaks throughout the day you are seriuously missing out. Mini breaks don't just give your mind a minute or two off, they also get you up and away from your work and give you an oppurtunity to get active, eat something healthy or interact with your loved ones.

**5) Admin **

We know, the worst, but if you can do a little bit of admin each day it will make your life way easier over the long run.

**6) Be Kind **

Try to be kind in all that you do. Be kind to yourself and your body by eating well, exercising and taking time off.

7) Sleep

Once the day is done remember to try and get some rest. Sleep is a key part of a healthy day and will ensure that your body has time to recover and is ready for the next day.