Pump some Iron

Did you know, one serving of Nutrific contains a whopping 19% of your total recommended daily allowance. At Nutrific we understand the importance of consuming a healthy diet filled with goodness. So what makes Iron so important?

Energy Levels

Iron plays a vital role in managing your energy levels throughout the day. Iron helps carry oxygen around the body keeping your mind and body in tip top shape.

Better Sleep

Ensuring you have enough Iron in your diet can help improve your quality of sleep and allow you to maintain a regular sleep schedule.

Immune Health

Your immune system can be compromised by having low Iron levels. Iron helps to strengthen your none-specific immunity which is seen as your bodies first line of defence against getting sick.

Brain Functioning
As Iron plays such an important role in getting oxygen around your body, it also play a vital role in making sure your brain is functioning at its best. People who are experiencing iron deficiencies can describe issues with concentration.

The good news is that a varied diet should provide you with the required iron to perform at your absolute best.