It’s cold, wet and staying in bed that extra hour more just seems like the better option, am I right? Well, sadly not, because as soon as winter comes, it goes and summer sneaks up on you like a cheeky two-year-old wanting to play.

It is kind of funny how we are motivated by a season, and how quickly it can head towards a decline when the temperature heads that way too. I’m here to tell you it’s totally natural and you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t feel that way!

So, instead of wasting the little energy you have during winter to make excuses, here are some ways to keep yourself motivated when the skies are grey.

Fake summer

Whether it’s a heater or keeping the windows closed at all times, try keeping your room at a cozy temperature for when you hop out of bed. You can worry about outside later.

Get groovy

Instead of having an alarm that makes you feel like you just had a heart attack at 5 a.m., try downloading some of your favourite tracks and getting up early with a jive in your step.

Join a class

AND PAY UP FRONT. I find paying for something in advance keeps me accountable and less likely to snooze my alarm.

Have a shower and wash your face

Sometimes it just takes that extra wake up call to spring into action. It’s such a simple trick but it seriously works for me

Work out at home

If transport is your excuse, invest in some simple gym equipment or a programme you can do at home. That way you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home.

Set summer goals

Whether it’s the holiday in the tropics or fitting into a bikini you bought online, set a goal and stick to it! Get a calendar and track your progress!

Check in

I find if I say that I am going or I am at the gym on social media, my conscious takes over and I feel obligated to at least walk on the treadmill. #BetterThanNothing

Treat yo self

I like to get some snazzy, cozy winter active wear to make the winter mornings worth at least a great outfit change.

Winter sports

Take advantage of any winter sports or activities, like long-distance running, or maybe even join a running club and get some buddies to hold you accountable on those lazy days.

And, if all else fails, find small things to reward yourself with after exercises. Maybe set your coffee to be ready when you get back or sweet talk your partner to have warm muesli porridge waiting for you.

At the end of the day, you will thank yourself for all the effort you put in during the cold months when summer comes around and the layers come off. Most importantly, you will be proud of yourself when you prove that you could indeed do it.

