5 Tips to be your best in the time of Covid

Covid 19 has been with us for sometime now and it looks like it might still be with us for a while to come. Here are 5 tips on dealing with this unprecedented period in our lives.

1) Schedule your time

With lots more time at home it is easy to fall into the trap of being a little bit of everything all the time. This can be exhausting. Make use of a scheduling app or better yet, a simple diary to block out your days into your different roles. This is no exact science but it can help to give you more structure throughout the day.

2) Feed Mind, Body & Soul

This might sound like an awful cliché but this one is important. Give your body the nutrients it needs to perform at its best. Covid has brought huge stress and it is important that you do whatever you can to keep your body happy and healthy. A tasty breakfast from Alpen Muesli is a great start!

3) Take time for you

As part of your daily schedule remember to schedule in some time just for you. This might seem absolutely impossible with all the things you have to do, but a few moments each day just for you are key.

4) Exercise

Just because you are stuck at home doesn't mean you can't get your body moving. There are an endless supply of options. Just do your best to do some form of home exercise a few times a week.

5) Remember that this will end

While it is unclear what the future holds and what a post Covid world will look like, it is important to remember that this current phase can't last forever. Be kind to yourself and those around you.

We hope you are all keeping healthy, safe and warm.